One of the main difficulties faced during troubleshoot the problem in this motorcycle was to have cover remove or dismantle. For the first-timer, it took time to locate all the screws to safely remove its cover set, without breaking. in this article, step by step cover set dismantle is shown for Modenas CT100. Hopefully, the guide will help others to perform repair and fix the problem without having the problem figuring out which nut and screw need to remove first... It depends on which area you want to remove the cover set to have access to its internal part. That's is what our intention when removing the cover set..right? Engine Cover Set Removal Procedure (Front Side Cover Set): 1) Remove the triangle cover that covers the horn. Four screws. 2) Remove the basket by removing four screws (shown in the picture). remove the key cover. 3) Each side of the cover will have 4 screws need to be removed before able to remove each side of cover set ...
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