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has anyone face the same problem as mine? 

symptom: horn, signal and brake light not working, not charging the battery, headlight and taillight working perfectly..and bright as well when engine is on.

current state: just change new battery, so should be no problem with battery. but now voltage in battery drop to 7V because my CT100 not charging the battery.

FYI, I have used this motorcycle to commute to my workplace, which is 82 km from my home almost everyday. So, a bit distance travel and very dangerous especially with un-working horn, brake light and signal..

so, I need to get to the bottom of it and solve it.

What i did, was to remove my ct100 body casing and troubleshoot one by one.

1) first, remove the battery connection and try start the engine by using kickstarter. 
Troubleshoot the problem by disconnecting the battery

In my case, engine working, headlight working, tail light also working..but, no signal, horn and brake light..

In this case, i can cross-out the magnet alternator that provide power to motorcycle (alternator is fine as engine is working and light also working). CDI also working because spark plug working.

2) With cover set remove, I notice, there are several visible parts as shown in picture. 
CDi, relay signal, relay starter and katab or rectifier

One is signal relay (provide blinking), 
one is starter relay (provide connection from battery to starter), 
CDI (capacitor discharging ignition to provide power to spark plug for engine to work) and finally katab/ rectifier (convert AC voltage from alternator to DC voltage for battery charging and other component).

In this part, I was not sure which part working and which part not, as I am not able to find any problem with wiring and plus wiring also a bit tricky to trace.

But, I am pretty sure that CDI is fine as in first part, the engine work perfectly even without battery attach to it.

three part that can be bought from local store. quite cheap.

For other 3 parts, not sure which part was the problem.
So, i took the easy way by  just went to local spare part store and buy all three parts which cost me less than RM60 for all.

try and error change lead me to the conclusion that actual part that are not working was the katab/rectifier. 

after replace that broken rectifier, my motorcycle horn, signal and brake light start working. 

Even, my battery also start charging and after several days, I can use my starter again once my battery are fully charged.

So, hopefully this experience help others who have the same problem.

Thank You


  1. Perh susah nk cari pasal ct100 ni. Info yg berguna sgt. Detail pon padu. Kalau ade ilmu lg share la ye hahahha. Nice one bro

  2. tq bos share ilmu. CT100 saya tahun 2013 kena penyakit sama

    1. Mudah2an penulisan sy membantu bos..

    2. dah tukar rectifier RM28. semua dah hidup tapi cuma perlu pulas throtle utk bunyi hon, bateri tk boleh charge (mungkin bateri dah kong).
      semalam dah tukar bateri koyoko lampu terang, signal pun terang, hon pun dah ok, cuma elektrik starter je masih tk berfungsi. bila tekan bunyi 'tik'tik' je. apa masalah dia ye ?

    3. Ada beberapa kemungkinan, boleh cube check starter relay samada ok atau tak ok..

      atau jika kerap guna starter untuk hidupkn motor...mungkin juga starter motor carbon dah nak habis. so, nak kene replace starter motor carbon atau replace starter motor.

      atau jika bateri yg baru tukar tu tak fully charge, boleh cuba guna motor dulu untuk beberapa hari sampai bateri fully charge..then baru starter boleh berfungsi. kebiasaannya, starter motor yg dah lama will require more current to crank enjin.

      apepun, cuba dulu..nnt update dengan saya

    4. wonderfulpost, knowledge is always a light

  3. tq tuan sbb sudi berkongsi siap bsama gmbr.. sy pun ada mslh sama jgk.. slow2 nk godek2 moto nk selesaikan mslh ni dan jadikan penulisan tuan ni sebagai rujukan saya.. Thanks again!

  4. Kalau lampu indicator N and top gear tak nyala knp plak? Tak de masalah pn klu takde bnde 2, tp setiap kali ngh bawak motor, asyik lupe dh max gear ke blm, dah nk kne tekan gear lg skali.. Sy dh tukar mentol pun tak nak nyala jugak? Lampu indicator highbeam ngn lampu signal nyala.. Saje nk test buat sendiri 😁

    1. tukar bulb kecil dlm meter..pasti ok lepas tu

  5. Kalau lampu indicator N and top gear tak nyala knp plak? Tak de masalah pn klu takde bnde 2, tp setiap kali ngh bawak motor, asyik lupe dh max gear ke blm, dah nk kne tekan gear lg skali.. Sy dh tukar mentol pun tak nak nyala jugak? Lampu indicator highbeam ngn lampu signal nyala.. Saje nk test buat sendiri 😁

  6. boss saya dh tukar semua tu xpi horn x bunyi gak knp ye

  7. yes i have faced the same problem. Now i decide to change the battery into new

  8. Tgh hadap ni. Mana rectifier murah kat KL. Kalau workshop suh tukar coil baterry bagai, haram jadah penipu

    1. biasa lah bos bukan semue tokey jenis macam mr.brian, kebanyakan nak se,beleh hidup2 dari zaman dudok dalam utan lagi, perasaan kite rase adik beradik tak der dalm jiwa raga dema tq brian

  9. aku punya same ..masalah meter punya lampu tak de.. signal tak der ..horn tak de ..kick starter ok satu fomen cakap wiring problem..satu formen cakap coil problem kie kie kie.. mr.ben whats wrong k.l or selangor ok untuk service tetapi di small town Tapah ada yg boleh buat ..ada yg kata susah mahal nak buat dengan alasan2 di atas

    1. kalau brian tak jawap bermakna dia aerr aperr yerr..demam malam kot jawap mr.ben dont be shy being naked

    2. maaf tak perasan ade komen sbb busy kerja.first check fuse, jika fuse ok..maknanya kemingkinan katab atau wiring la..jika coil problem, hidup tak lama sebab guna bateri motor utk hidupkn enjin. bateri abis jer, moto akan mati..

      xpayah hantar kedai..boleh buat sendiri jer..
      1)check fuse, if ok (jika fuse asik terbakar, wiring la problem)
      2)buka casing dan cuba tukar katab dulu.
      3) tgk guide sy diatas

  10. Good job bro sharing,my ct electric starter juz kondem,but buy already a new katab,try and error

    1. thank you..happy to hear it work for you..

    2. Signal prob.
      Swtich (new)
      Rectifier/katab new
      Still got prob.


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