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Hi all,

anyone having trouble with their door lock acting like a machine gun? this is common problem with mercedes c180k w203 car. usually, door lock button keep bouncing whenver we try to lock the car using remote. and most of the time, very difficult to lock the door.
Figure 1: W203 C180K that has common problem of bouncing door lock

main culprit is broken spring inside the actuator located in each door. in my case, both of my front door actuator spring broken.

so, two choice for me to fix this problem. either send the car to repairman or do the repair myself..

i have asked the repairman about the cost and labour to fix the problem, and he said, cost about rm450++ for just one actuator part. and labour about 200-400 to replace broken actuator. so, total for my car will be about 1200++..thats quite hefty cost.

in the end..i decide to do it myself, and i am going to take some time to study, and have it done in my own free time. cost will be less than RM100 for spring, plus my time.

so, the first thing, what i did was to order the actuator spring from UK and have it delivered to me in Malaysia. i order the spring from this website below.

Figure 2: Webpage of auto parts
u all can also get it in other website like lazada..but i am not sure about the quality and how reliable it is. but, the one i purchased is good in quality and comes with tools and 4 sets of spring.

in order to have acces to the broken actuator, the door cover need to be remove first. and its quite tricky work and u need some tools before doing the work.

Complete step can be obtain from above X8R website or video below.

1) Park car on the level surface.

2) Disassemble the door cover to have access to the actuator
Figure 3: Works done to repalce actuator spring

3) Remove actuator
Figure 4: Actuator and spring

4) replace broken spring

5) installation is in reverse order

by doing this repair myself, i manage to save around rm1000 ringgit. Plus, i gain some experience in disassemble the door cover myselft. thus, it will be easier for me next time if problem arise again.

amount of time spend on this repair work are around 2-3 hours with complete tools. usually, repair work was done during evening time (leasure time). So, anyone having same issue could try this out.

**this work was carried out 4 years ago..but i just manage to have time to write it in here now.

**thanks for reading and hope this help.


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